Please select from below to see the birds
Bird of the month-If you would like to have your bird featured on the bird of the month page, please contact us.
Birds Available at C&B Birds- George of Silvernite Aviary brings the birds he has available to the warehouse
Breeders- Handfed beautiful babies from Breeders in the Pittsburgh area
Birds for sale- These are birds that people are selling and have asked us to post for them
Birds Free to Good Home- These are birds that are free to a good home
Birds Available at C&B Birds- George of Silvernite Aviary brings the birds he has available to the warehouse
Breeders- Handfed beautiful babies from Breeders in the Pittsburgh area
Birds for sale- These are birds that people are selling and have asked us to post for them
Birds Free to Good Home- These are birds that are free to a good home